AI First, Data-Driven Predictions
To Guide You Through
Your Digital Transformation To Meet ESG, Supplier
Diversity & Local Content
Compliance, & Achievable
Project Goals To Improve Your
RFP & Bid Win Rate
LOCOMeX's cloud based applications help you keep your compliance statistics on track. Our AI-Powered data-driven tools keep you ahead of your competition.

AI First – Data Driven Platform
LOCOMeX uses a powerful AI Driven Platform, DivedIn, to facilitate pre-bid research to ensure you meet your ESG and supplier diversity project requirements.

Project-Based ESG and Diversity Scoring
Evaluate your business’ ESG and diversity performance on a project basis to make practical changes based on recommendations from the LOCOMeX AI platform. Save time, resources and money making the changes that matter.

Team Optimization
Having the best team is the first step. Let DivedIn do the hard work. Our platform will help you create the best team to achieve the goals of every project.

Digital Transformation
Digitalize Your ESG, Supplier Diversity, Local Content Compliance goals, and strategize for most optimum and desired outcomes
Let DivedIn Do the Hard Work
Team Optimization
DivedIn Tier 2
ESG & Supplier Diversity Program Management
LOCOMeX News and Insights
The world is changing and we make sure your business is changing with it. See why ESG, local content, and supplier diversity are important to your company’s growth.